Homemade Dog Ice Cream

Sweetly Stevia
20 people
00h 05
00h 05

If you have a doggie, then you know dogs love frozen treats just as much as people! The next time you're relishing a vanilla cone and your pup angles those big, soulful eyes up at you, instead of caving at the sight of his adorable begging, try giving him his own ice cream! Sweetly Stevia's Homemade Dog Ice Cream calls for only 3 all-natural ingredients and doesn't include harmful xylitol. Best of all, you can snack on it, too, which will really increase bonding with your furry best friend!

Calories: 35

Meal Type

  • Dessert


  • Summer

Nutrition Facts

Use Our Stevia Conversion Calculator to easily convert Sugar to Stevia!



  • In a blender or food processor, place ingredients and blend until smooth
  • Pour mixture into selected container(s) or cups for freezing.
  • Place in the freezer for about 2 hours
  • Add a treat on top before serving
  • Enjoy!

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