
  1. Glowing Skin And A Bright Smile With Sweetly Stevia

    Glowing Skin And A Bright Smile With Sweetly Stevia

    If you've heard of stevia, you probably know that this leafy plant from South America is the source of an all-natural, calorie-free sweetener called stevia extract. There are countless health benefits to using stevia extract instead of regular sugar in your beverages, baking, and other cuisines thanks to stevia's rich nutrient profile and positive effect on metabolism. But what you might not know is that stevia extract can also nourish you from the outside in, and promote healthy skin and teeth.

  2. Creative Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs

    Creative Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs

    You've tried them all - from the colored tablet and vinegar and those shrink plastic wraps that never seem to work, to shaving cream and tie-dye. Every year you find something new on Pinterest and give it a go, and had lots of fun in the process! But have you tried colored sugar to decorate your Easter eggs? You're in for a real treat!
